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#85 – Gros chocobo

5 5 5 5
Un chocobo dont l'appétit insatiable et l'absence totale de volonté ont abouti à un corps qui s'apparente plus à celui d'un béhémoth qu'à celui d'un oiseau. D'après certaines légendes du folklore gobelin, ce volatile surdimensionné serait vénéré comme un dieu dans le monde d'en bas. (Il est à noter, cependant, qu'aucun élément permettant de vérifier la pertinence de ce mythe n'a pu être trouvé.)
Rare. Type Vente Valeurs
Extrêmement rare - 300 PGS 5・5・5・5
  • Futé, Avant-pays Dravanien (23, 19) — 1.89%
  • Obtenir l'Or sur l'ALEA "Défi: terrasser la Tarasque", Avant-pays dravanien (13, 36)

Les taux de drop ont des couleurs différentes pour illustrer leur précision :
Rouge : peu précis (moins de 100 comptes-rendus), Orange : relativement précis (100~1000 comptes-rendus), Bleu : précis (plus de 1000 comptes-rendus)

Billy Grego 13th June, 2024 @ 01:47 pm


Jewbacca 22nd May, 2024 @ 01:27 am

8 wins, 1 fat chocobo, 2 regina

Anonymous Player 14th September, 2023 @ 12:18 pm

2 wins

Anonymous Player 11th July, 2023 @ 03:25 pm

8 wins => 4 chocobo / 3 regina

Anonymous Player 29th October, 2022 @ 10:14 am

Dropped from Special Tarasque Force FATE.

Azellia 21st September, 2022 @ 06:22 pm

2 wins

Khrala 4th June, 2022 @ 03:34 pm

14 win, 10 draw - 1 fat chocobo, 5 coeurlregina

Darthtristicia 5th May, 2022 @ 09:01 pm

still can't unlock this npc

Nomel Lho'to 27th March, 2022 @ 09:50 pm

1w / fat chocobo :)

growvile 4th February, 2022 @ 12:21 am

1 win against deftarm

Clifftax Welblood 28th October, 2021 @ 02:05 am

We got a 23-19!!!!!

Siphyre 17th September, 2021 @ 12:41 am

Dropped from the fate on first kill.

Ocatavia 25th August, 2021 @ 08:41 pm

Got this from my first fight with Tarasque. man that turtle is BEEFY af.

Nimu 1st August, 2021 @ 11:36 am

Got in on the first win. There goes my rng for Hien

Anonymous Player 5th February, 2021 @ 03:24 pm

49 Wins to get Fat Chocobo

Truvy 4th December, 2019 @ 06:10 pm

22 Wins to get Fat Chocobo after unlocking Vath Deftarm by getting Bloodsworn with the Vath.

Shion 5th May, 2019 @ 11:37 am

51 Wins to get the first Ravana. 147 Wins to get Fat Chocobo. Total of 197 games.

HeatherX 19th April, 2019 @ 02:46 am

como carajos juego? xD

Anonymous Player 16th March, 2016 @ 12:06 am

Now Drops from playing against Vath Deftarm in the Draconian Forelands also!

burnunit83 20th June, 2015 @ 12:30 pm

boss fate, Mob is a Tarasque - Dravanian Lands

Anonymous Player 20th June, 2015 @ 12:27 pm

Being told it dropped from a Fate through killing a Tarasque
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