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Ul'dah - Faubourg de Nald (13, 8)

Coût Récompense
40 40 (Victoire)
0 (Match nul)
6 (Défaite)
Règles Niveau
Trois sur table, Plus 1
Récompense éventuelle
Conditions pour jouer Quêtes : 「Sultane en sous-sol」

Les taux de drop ont des couleurs différentes pour illustrer leur précision :
Rouge : peu précis (moins de 100 comptes-rendus), Orange : relativement précis (100~1000 comptes-rendus), Bleu : précis (plus de 1000 comptes-rendus)


Les cartes marquées d'un cercle vert sont toujours dans le deck du NPC.


Il n'y a pas (encore) d'astuces pour ce NPC.

Deviantchuckler 4th June, 2024 @ 02:54 am

1 win

Anonymous Player 24th May, 2024 @ 03:00 pm

Kilfufu stats: 26 matches (W:16/D:4/L:6) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

masonjar 12th March, 2024 @ 10:07 pm

Kilfufu stats: 5 matches (W:5/D:0/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Anonymous Player 4th March, 2024 @ 02:43 am

Kilfufu stats: 6 matches (W:4/D:0/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

talgaby 1st February, 2024 @ 12:52 pm

I got the card on the first try.

Anonymous Player 3rd January, 2024 @ 09:12 am

Kilfufu stats: 3 matches (W:3/D:0/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

wolffoxfangs 20th October, 2023 @ 11:55 pm

Kilfufu stats: 13 matches (W:12/D:1/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 2

oishiiuwu 13th October, 2023 @ 02:10 am

Kilfufu stats: 6 matches (W:5/D:0/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Apson 8th September, 2023 @ 04:28 am

Kilfufu stats: 5 matches (W:2/D:1/L:2) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

TaylorWisky 3rd June, 2023 @ 08:44 am

Kilfufu stats: 8 matches (W:7/D:1/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Anonymous Player 28th May, 2023 @ 10:38 am

Kilfufu stats: 15 matches (W:13/D:1/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Anonymous Player 2nd April, 2023 @ 12:12 am

Kilfufu stats: 4 matches (W:3/D:0/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Snowflake 10th March, 2023 @ 11:34 pm

6W 2D 2L => 1 Geryon

SaviroZenu 1st March, 2023 @ 02:15 pm

Kilfufu stats: 3 matches (W:2/D:0/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Anonymous Player 1st March, 2023 @ 09:18 am

5Win 1Card

Kaori Darksole 16th February, 2023 @ 01:54 am

1 win 1 card

Kexah 17th January, 2023 @ 02:57 am

13W: 1 CARD

Anonymous Player 16th January, 2023 @ 04:40 pm

Kilfufu stats: 4 matches (W:3/D:1/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

wookiesama 21st December, 2022 @ 06:43 pm

4W: 1 card

Anonymous Player 1st December, 2022 @ 12:46 pm

Kilfufu stats: 1 match (W:1/D:0/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Anonymous Player 30th November, 2022 @ 06:06 am

9W, 1D, 1 card

Koichidatenshi 15th November, 2022 @ 01:42 am

W=3, L=2, D=0

Aesis Avari 13th November, 2022 @ 05:28 pm

Kilfufu stats: 7 matches (W:5/D:1/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Wiggum Smooth-Hands 6th November, 2022 @ 12:37 am

Keep it smooth, Eorzeans! <3 W= 9, L= 3, D= 5.

Asinametra 29th October, 2022 @ 05:11 am

On main: Got the card drop on my first win! On an alt: Card on 4th win.

Maglen69 28th October, 2022 @ 04:12 pm

Kilfufu stats: 13 matches (W:11/D:1/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Akett 28th October, 2022 @ 06:38 am

2 Wins, 1 Geryon

Muy 22nd October, 2022 @ 03:39 pm

Kilfufu stats: 4 matches (W:4/D:0/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Makil 21st October, 2022 @ 09:07 pm

1 Win: 1 Geryon the Steer

Odah'sae 20th October, 2022 @ 07:07 pm

6 wins, super easy as long as you're mindful of Plus

skualninja 20th October, 2022 @ 05:00 pm

2 Wins and got the card.

Talrendis 20th October, 2022 @ 03:13 pm

Kilfufu stats: 1 matches (W:1/D:0/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

wakyz 20th October, 2022 @ 10:09 am

Kilfufu stats: 2 matches (W:1/D:0/L:1) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Tone 19th October, 2022 @ 06:25 pm

Kilfufu stats: 9 matches (W:7/D:2/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Tone 19th October, 2022 @ 06:25 pm

Kilfufu stats: 9 matches (W:7/D:2/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

Kach 19th October, 2022 @ 05:37 pm

Kilfufu stats: 5 matches (W:4/D:1/L:0) [358]:Geryon the Steer => 1

ThisIsTarquin 19th October, 2022 @ 06:18 am

Moogle - Gaelicat - Tonberry - Amal'jaa - Ixal Reverse; Plus. Easy.

Masamune 19th October, 2022 @ 02:42 am

4 victories and got the card. Unlocks after you beat the first dungeon... did it Solo.
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