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#303 –

4 8 10 6
희귀도 유형 판매 Values
알 수 없는 - 1500 MGP 4・8・A・6
  • 인형들의 군사 기지 — ?%

드롭률은 보고의 수에 따라 정확성을 나타나는 색상을 가집니다:
빨강: 부정확 (100개 미만의 보고), 주황: 다소 정확 (100~1000개의 보고), 파랑: 정확 (1000개 이상의 보고)

Zimzimtea 3rd September, 2023 @ 05:07 pm

3 runs over a span of four months. Only picked it back up today because of the Tomestones event making for a shorter queue and ran it with a good goblin friend. Gobbies must be lucky, 'cause the card dropped! <3

MegaWench 15th March, 2023 @ 03:24 pm

This card perfectly represents the broken need system cause bozos who already own the card can need on it just to sell it for a pittance of mgp meaning you just wasted an hour of your time to que in and do the content, they have a system to know if you own something like with minions so only let people who have it greed.

AnnJu 15th January, 2023 @ 05:45 pm

1 run = 2 cards :D ousp!

Anonymous Player 23rd August, 2022 @ 03:22 pm

6.2 has come and gone, no NPC added for this and the other two Nier cards. If they ever do add one, it won't be for awhile. Another several months of watching players roll Need on this only to sell it for less MGP than third prize on the daily cactpot...

Cen Kyne 1st May, 2022 @ 10:34 pm

It is likely that in 6.2, a triad NPC will be released to play the puppets cards for, as is the pattern in previous expansions. If you are collecting all cards, it is wise to go for these last, as it will be far less of a headache from an NPC down the line.

Anonymous Player 16th May, 2021 @ 01:23 pm

You gotta love all those people who roll on it when they just want to sell it for MGP...

Anonymous Player 27th August, 2020 @ 08:51 pm

strange that the background of this card is lighter than all other cards

Anonymous Player 16th August, 2020 @ 03:01 am

Rolled 91, 95, 89, 91 again, and 99. Only 99 won.

Noctis Caelum 12th August, 2020 @ 02:42 am

Got mine day 1 super lucky raid was tough.

Asinametra 11th August, 2020 @ 06:31 pm

This card is a guaranteed drop from The Puppet's Bunker (24-man Alliance Raid), added in Patch 5.3. In the final coffers, three cards drop for all 24 raid members to roll on.
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