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#345 – Hydaelyn

10 3 10 5
희귀도 유형 판매 Values
알 수 없는 1500 MGP A・3・A・5
  • The Mothercrystal — ?%
  • The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call — ?%

드롭률은 보고의 수에 따라 정확성을 나타나는 색상을 가집니다:
빨강: 부정확 (100개 미만의 보고), 주황: 다소 정확 (100~1000개의 보고), 파랑: 정확 (1000개 이상의 보고)

Soranotsky 9th July, 2024 @ 11:58 pm

On probably my 8th run, no luck Normal

Eldin 1st May, 2024 @ 04:23 am

Dropped on 2nd Ex clear

Zana'wo Wilzuun @Odin 24th April, 2024 @ 01:03 am

I ran twice (once through MSQ, second time was with Trusts) and got it on my second run. :>

Anonymous Player 12th March, 2024 @ 08:00 pm

I guess this is my official complaint given that I am 40+ normal roulette runs in and about ready to tear out my hair

Turif V-A 18th February, 2024 @ 08:41 pm

Extreme: 19 runs, 2 drops

aaadia 8th January, 2024 @ 01:33 am

3 attempts minstrel's ballad got the card

Anonymous Player 15th December, 2023 @ 02:04 am

5 runs synced normal

aaadia 18th September, 2023 @ 10:06 pm

1st attempt mothercrystal got the card

Madeleine Hales 18th August, 2023 @ 06:19 pm

got it my first time doing the normal run

Anonymous Player 21st May, 2023 @ 04:31 am

I got mommy in 3 runs with the duty assist

larvitaro 22nd March, 2023 @ 08:43 pm


Anonymous Player 21st March, 2023 @ 11:58 am

Got the mount and still didn't get the card. over 50 runs EX

Kaori Darksole 1st February, 2023 @ 01:29 am

Got it on my first run of The Mothercrystal as part of MSQ

Lilly 2nd January, 2023 @ 03:26 am

32 runs and nothing so far

Snowflake 26th December, 2022 @ 01:23 am

2 more EX for another card

Snowflake 26th December, 2022 @ 01:16 am

Of the EX

Snowflake 26th December, 2022 @ 01:16 am

12 runs for 1 card

Willow 20th December, 2022 @ 01:50 am

40 ex trials, no card, friend has 6 D:

Gyokusei 11th December, 2022 @ 10:17 pm


Anonymous Player 18th September, 2022 @ 12:51 pm

5+ normal, 73 Ex runs, 1 card.

Anonymous Player 4th September, 2022 @ 08:23 am

1st try on MSQ trust run.

Lily Garden 27th August, 2022 @ 10:39 pm

25 Normal, 5 NPC Trusts. Finally dropped on a Normal run (30th attempt).

Masamune 22nd July, 2022 @ 01:32 am

Got it on my 12th Trust run.

Anonymous Player 18th July, 2022 @ 02:03 am

1/49 with my trust. I wonder if trust drops rates are lower.

Anonymous Player 10th June, 2022 @ 10:15 pm

Also go it on my first attempt during the MSQ.

yunsofprovo 4th May, 2022 @ 09:24 pm

I did 30+ Trust runs and 2 Normal runs. Just got it on a Trust run. I almost thought it didn't exist. Worst drop rate for me so far.

Genboredom 3rd May, 2022 @ 03:18 pm

4 runs, 1 Normal 3 Trust. Dropped on a Trust run.

Alastair Dawnflare 15th April, 2022 @ 07:46 pm

Tried multiple EX runs, but after reading comments here I tried with trust. Got it after a single run.

Anonymous Player 13th April, 2022 @ 02:18 pm

Took 1 trust run

Victor Spoils 4th April, 2022 @ 12:57 pm

Pity reward after 30-minute attempt in third normal run via roulette. No EX needed.

Anonymous Player 5th March, 2022 @ 10:19 pm

After a bunch of Normal runs/Trust Runs (I didn't count. More than 15), I received it after a Trust Normal run. Just saying you can get it from a Trust run, which was faster or equal in time to normal Duty Finder runs.

Heybunny86 23rd February, 2022 @ 01:39 am

1/3 with trusts. :)

Talan Kirk 17th February, 2022 @ 06:56 pm

Second normal run, very lucky!

Hashtag Triggered 13th February, 2022 @ 02:06 am

Got on EX version, 7 clears

Anonymous Player 12th February, 2022 @ 02:47 am

close to 20 normal runs before it dropped

Karyk 4th February, 2022 @ 01:29 pm

Got quite lucky, about 5 runs on normal for the drop.

kami_desuwa 3rd February, 2022 @ 07:46 pm

msq first try

TTiscruel 2nd February, 2022 @ 02:53 am

Got it on 2nd Trust Clear. Including MSQ run pre-trust that would be 1 card in three regular trial mode runs.

Violet 26th January, 2022 @ 10:43 pm

Got it on my second EX clear

Bluebozzy 24th January, 2022 @ 12:48 am

18 EX and 2 Normal, no card

dandette 10th January, 2022 @ 05:46 am

Got it on my 13th EX clear.

Vaargoth 9th January, 2022 @ 06:59 pm

got it via MSQ. First try

Anonymous Player 8th January, 2022 @ 02:49 pm

Got after a few Extreme clears.

Nexanda 7th January, 2022 @ 07:20 pm

1 EX Run and got the drop (THought I heat that's very lucky)

Aurean Strix 6th January, 2022 @ 10:25 pm

2 Runs of Extreme and got the card

Thomas Bastock 28th December, 2021 @ 10:05 pm

Got the card in Extreme version of Hydaelyn, after 19 runs

chappie 26th December, 2021 @ 10:43 am

ive also done 1 normal and 5 extremes since then, but no card

chappie 26th December, 2021 @ 10:42 am

1 normal clear, 1 card

Anonymous Player 25th December, 2021 @ 04:47 pm

16 clears

Anonymous Player 24th December, 2021 @ 06:38 pm

sitting in 34 extreme totems (got mount so no reason to run it anymore), and have been doing 1 trust clear everyday since early access, card still hasn't dropped

Faynar 23rd December, 2021 @ 10:52 pm

I also got it on an EX clear

yenwodyah 22nd December, 2021 @ 02:32 am

Got it on my first EX clear

Dae 18th December, 2021 @ 06:06 am

10 ex clears to get the card

Anonymous Player 16th December, 2021 @ 07:08 am

MSQ clear with trust

Aroboros 16th December, 2021 @ 05:34 am

3 EX

Asinametra 15th December, 2021 @ 07:28 am

Got a second card drop within 4 clears of the EX trial.

Asinametra 13th December, 2021 @ 10:26 am

Got it on MSQ clear with Trusts. Trial: The Mothercrystal, Lv 89.

Vondie 12th December, 2021 @ 04:19 pm

8 ex runs

Anonymous Player 12th December, 2021 @ 02:20 pm

Needed 1 normal and 23 extremes to get the card.

Anonymous Player 9th December, 2021 @ 12:34 pm

first attempt too!

Miu Lavneta 9th December, 2021 @ 10:40 am

First try on The Mothercrystal, I loved this fight so much.

Anonymous Player 9th December, 2021 @ 04:29 am

got on first attempt from extreme

RainElyse 7th December, 2021 @ 04:04 am

Level 89 trial. Got on first attempt.
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