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5 5 6 4
희귀도 유형 판매 Values
알 수 없는 - 300 MGP 5・5・6・4
  • 에니, 창천거리 (12, 14) - 500 창천 거리 진흥권

드롭률은 보고의 수에 따라 정확성을 나타나는 색상을 가집니다:
빨강: 부정확 (100개 미만의 보고), 주황: 다소 정확 (100~1000개의 보고), 파랑: 정확 (1000개 이상의 보고)

GaiaBell 22nd January, 2024 @ 07:03 am

Just to help people out - you are able to purchase this card with 500 Skybuilder's Scrips from the Firmament.

wasteoftime 3rd January, 2022 @ 11:42 am

just checking back in to make sure that it is understood that you purchase this with 500 skybuilder's scrips

aripoms 19th November, 2021 @ 12:47 am

easy 500 scrips from doing 5 fetes

wasteoftime 25th August, 2021 @ 03:05 am

in case it wasn't made clear, you purchase this item from Enie, in the Firmament, for 500 Skybuilder's Scraps

Anonymous Player 10th August, 2021 @ 09:35 am

These cards suck, but at least recipes for Skybuilders' can be macroed.

Jean-Philippe Préaux 20th March, 2020 @ 01:25 pm

Elle s'échange contre 500 assignats azurée à L'Azurée

Lenka Tempest 10th March, 2020 @ 04:02 pm

500 skybuilder and hope the only card get added to this

Flashfires 10th March, 2020 @ 03:36 pm

Purchased for 500 Skybuilder's Scrips in the Firmament.

Anonymous Player 10th March, 2020 @ 11:07 am

500 hishgard script from azure
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