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희귀도 유형 판매 Values
알 수 없는 - 100 MGP 1・5・1・6
  • 6 Omicron Omnitoken ➛ N-0598 @ Ultima Thule (28, 25)

드롭률은 보고의 수에 따라 정확성을 나타나는 색상을 가집니다:
빨강: 부정확 (100개 미만의 보고), 주황: 다소 정확 (100~1000개의 보고), 파랑: 정확 (1000개 이상의 보고)

Wiggum Smooth-Hands 22nd October, 2022 @ 06:40 pm

*Tribe. My bad!

Wiggum Smooth-Hands 22nd October, 2022 @ 06:38 pm

Ole Smooth-Hands was here! All of my love to the Grebuloffs! Omicron Beast Tribe: Rank 4 - Purchased for six (6) Omnitokens!

Anonymous Player 20th October, 2022 @ 07:57 am

no offense but i think this is made buyable by rank 4 (four) actually

Anonymous Player 20th October, 2022 @ 02:47 am

no offense to the comments below me, but i feel that it was not properly made clear enough as to how to get this card you need to get rank 4 (trusted) with the omicrons, and then you will be able to buy it

Jory Coleman 19th October, 2022 @ 09:38 pm

Trusted Rank with the Omicron is how you buy it. 9 omicron omnitokens.

Anonymous Player 19th October, 2022 @ 04:11 pm

mhm, can buy at rank 4 for 6 omicron omnitokens

Anonymous Player 19th October, 2022 @ 03:31 pm

Yup, can confirm it's buyable at Rank 4.

Kanarra 19th October, 2022 @ 03:17 pm

Just picked it up @ Trusted (Rank 4) with Omicrons for 6 Tokens

Kanarra 19th October, 2022 @ 03:16 pm

Just picked it up @ Trusted (Rank 4) with Omicrons

Anonymous Player 19th October, 2022 @ 10:03 am

plz not rank 8..... plz not rank 8..... plz not rank 8.....

Anonymous Player 18th October, 2022 @ 04:15 pm

Most likely traded for tribe currency at a certain reputation level
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