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Trinity Avowed

8 7 6 1
희귀도 유형 판매 Values
알 수 없는 - 500 MGP 8・7・6・1
  • 3 보즈야 클러스터 ➛ 저항군 보급병 @ 남부 보즈야 전선 (14, 30)

드롭률은 보고의 수에 따라 정확성을 나타나는 색상을 가집니다:
빨강: 부정확 (100개 미만의 보고), 주황: 다소 정확 (100~1000개의 보고), 파랑: 정확 (1000개 이상의 보고)

Anonymous Player 2nd October, 2023 @ 05:10 am

This is BS you can't get the card because you need to complete Delubrum. But nobody is doing this dungeon. BS I say.

coffeentacos 8th February, 2021 @ 01:52 pm

Can be purchased after clearing Delubrum (card is an enemy in there) 3 Bozjan Clusters.

Anonymous Player 5th February, 2021 @ 06:07 am

Have heard reports that there are rank requirements/progression requirements. A rank 14 couldn't buy, but I (a rank 12) could. You may need to beat Castrum and Delubrum too.

Anonymous Player 3rd February, 2021 @ 09:43 pm

Purchased from the Resistance Quartermaster inside the Bozjan Southern front for 3 Bozjan clusters

Styrgeim 3rd February, 2021 @ 09:33 pm

Same as Trinity Seeker, can be purchased from the Resistance Quartermaster inside Bozja Southern Front
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