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#409 – Branchbearer

6 5 3 4
Encountered in the lowlands of Yak T'el, this peculiar species has the appearance of a flightless bird. Closer observation, however, reveals it to be an ambulatory seedkin. It mimics the shape of cloudkin to lure unsuspecting carnivores, slaying the would-be predators to feed on their vital fluids.
Rarity Card Type Sells for Values
Uncommon - 300 MGP 6・5・3・4

Drop rates have a color to illustrate their accuracy depending on the number of drop reports:
Red: inaccurate (less than 100 reports), Orange: somewhat accurate (100~1000 reports), Blue: accurate (more than 1000 reports)

rat.patootie 16th August, 2024 @ 12:09 am

5W 1 Branchbearer

Anonymous Player 14th August, 2024 @ 05:17 pm

2W 1 card

Anonymous Player 10th August, 2024 @ 12:48 pm

8W, 1 Branchbearer

DearSage 8th August, 2024 @ 09:12 pm

He doesn't condone draws. We fought tooth and nail with 3 draws. When I win the 4th match, he gives me a card and shows me some script. I don't know if this is a conversation for everyone. Br'uk Noq': I suppose I wasn't as cunnin' as I thought... But playing against a strong opponent is its own reward! That got my blood pumpin' as much as any hunt!

magikalcookie 30th July, 2024 @ 01:53 am

4 W - 0 D - 1 L

Anonymous Player 21st July, 2024 @ 08:29 pm

7W, 1 Branchbearer

Apson 21st July, 2024 @ 05:39 am

Br'uk Noq' 1 win, 1 Branchbearer card

CrowKnow 18th July, 2024 @ 09:32 am

4W 1 card

Hirfaelon 14th July, 2024 @ 09:36 pm

1 win, 1 card

nekouyoku 13th July, 2024 @ 05:18 pm

7 wins, 1 branchbearer

ubercharge 8th July, 2024 @ 07:46 am

12W, 1 card

xx69vomit69xx 5th July, 2024 @ 05:24 pm

20W 1 card

Anonymous Player 4th July, 2024 @ 12:15 am

1W 0D 0L -- As long as you focus on getting the first two cards as early as possible before their value goes up due to Ascension, this match is fairly simple. Deck: Rfgvavra, Gevavgl Nibjrq, Fhmnxh, Rzrenyq Jrncba, Nguran (rot13 because of potenial SHB/EW sidequest spoilers)

Zykoon 3rd July, 2024 @ 02:35 pm

2 wins 1 card

Kexah 1st July, 2024 @ 09:36 pm

4 wins 1 card

aurelievlt 1st July, 2024 @ 04:34 am

2W for 1 card

blueasian 30th June, 2024 @ 09:24 pm

10W for 1 Branchbearer

Rolanberry 30th June, 2024 @ 05:19 am

4W 0D 0L for 1 Branchbearer

waldo220 29th June, 2024 @ 04:02 pm

5W 0D 0L for 1 Branchbearer

smoothjazz 29th June, 2024 @ 12:51 am

from NPC Uataaye. Location: "Heritage Found (19.5, 9.4)". ***Required Quest: "A Royal Welcome".
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