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Cards Location

First deck
PackPriceTriad card
520 MGP
1150 MGP
2160 MGP
8000 MGP
2160 MGP
3240 MGP
600 MGP
840 MGP
4,800 MGP
9,600 MGP
400,000 MGP
14,400 MGP
200,000 MGP
72,000 MGP
20,000 MGP
600 MGP
840 MGP
5,000 MGP
10,000 MGP
90,000 MGP
840 MGP
1,200 MGP
400,000 MGP
1,500 MGP
96,000 MGP
21,000 MGP
56,000 MGP
22,400 MGP
22,000 MGP
24,800 MGP
72,000 MGP
24,800 MGP
40,000 MGP
14,400 MGP
24,800 MGP
24,800 MGP
5,454 MGP
24,800 MGP
60,000 MGP
1,000,000 MGP
200,000 MGP
200,000 MGP
1st to 3rd prizes of the Durai Memorial tournament
1st to 3rd prizes of the Spinner's Pull tournament
1st to 3rd prizes of the Rowena Cup Classic tournament
1st to 3rd prizes of the Manderville Tournament of Champions
Triple Team III achievement: defeat 41 different NPCs
Triple-decker IV achievement: obtain 90 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple-decker V achievement: obtain 120 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple-decker VI achievement: obtain 150 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple Team V achievement: defeat 60 different NPCs
Triple-decker VII achievement: obtain 190 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple Team VI achievement: defeat 70 different NPCs
Triple-decker VIII achievement: obtain 220 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple-decker IX achievement: obtain 270 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple Team VII achievement: defeat 92 different NPCs
Triple-decker X achievement: obtain 300 unique Triple Triad cards
Open and Shut I achievement: Rank 1st in an Open tournament.
Triple Team VIII
Triple-decker XI
Triple-decker XII
Triple Team IX achievement: defeat 123 different NPCs
Triple-decker XIII achievement: obtain 423 unique Triple Triad cards
Triple Team II achievement: defeat 30 different NPCs
Kumite Kumite Kumite achievement: win 30 Triple Triad tournament matches
Wheel of Fortune V achievement: win 300 Triple Triad roulette matches
SackHaloed Sack
200 Gemstone Elpis (24.4, 23.4) 3
200 Gemstone Elpis (24.4, 23.4) 3
300 Gemstone Heritage Found (16.3, 9.5) 4
40 Gemstone Il Mheg (16.3, 30.7) 1
60 Gemstone Il Mheg (16.3, 30.7) 1
60 Gemstone Il Mheg (16.3, 30.7) 1
100 Gemstone Kholusia (11.8, 8.8) 2
200 Gemstone Kholusia (11.8, 8.8) 3
60 Gemstone Lakeland (35.5, 20.6) 1
300 Gemstone Living Memory (22.0, 37.5) 4
300 Gemstone Living Memory () 4
300 Gemstone Shaaloani () 4
300 Gemstone Thavnair (25.8, 34.6) 3
100 Gemstone Rak'tika Greatwood (27.9, 18.2) 1
250 Gemstone The Tempest (31.1, 18.0) 1
200 Gemstone Ultima Thule (30.8, 28.0) 3
300 Gemstone Ultima Thule (30.8, 28.0) 3
CardSkybuilder's ScripsVendor
500 Skybuilder's Scrips Enie, The Firmament (12, 14)
500 Skybuilder's Scrips Enie, The Firmament (12, 14)
Aiglephine Labyrinthos (29, 13)
Arsieu Gangos (5.8, 6.5)
Aurifort of the Three Clubs Gold Saucer (4, 7)
Baderon Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11, 11)
Botan Kugane (7.8, 14.7)
Br'uk Noq' Yak T'el (12.7, 14.8)
Buscarron South Shroud (17, 20)
Celia Old Sharlayan (15.8, 6.9)
Cheatingway Old Sharlayan (11, 8.8)
Cobleva Lakeland (14, 8)
Dominiac Coerthas Western Highlands (16, 22)
Drery Amh Araeng (12, 17)
Droyn Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (11.7, 13)
Elaisse The Pillars (7-10)
Eo Sigun Il Mheg (22.2, 3.5)
Ercanbald Rhalgr's Reach (10, 10)
F'hobhas Central Thanalan (23, 13)
Flichoirel The Lordling The Battlehall
Fufulupa Western Thanalan (22, 17)
Furtive Former Imperial Terncliff (5, 6)
Gamingway Mare Lamentorum (18, 16)
Garima The Fringes (28, 20)
Gavoll Ja Tuliyollal (15.7, 2.9)
Gegeruju Eastern La Noscea (35, 30)
Ghasa Thavnair (19.6, 28.3)
Gibrillont Foundation (13, 12)
Glynard The Crystarium (10.8, 15.2)
Grewenn Eulmore (12.5, 9.9)
Guhtwint of the Three Diamonds Gold Saucer (4, 7)
Gyoei Yanxia (15, 31)
Gyuf Uin Il Mheg (16.1, 30.6)
Hab Southern Thanalan (24, 40)
Hachinan Yanxia (26.5, 12.9)
Hall Overseer The Battlehall
Hanagasa Kugane (10.4, 11.8)
Hargra Rak'tika Greatwood (18.6, 26)
Helmhart Eastern Thanalan (20, 21)
Hetsukaze Kugane (7.9,13.6)
Hokushin Kugane (14.4, 11.2)
House Fortemps Manservant Fortemps Manor, The Pillars (11, 11)
Ibenart Kholusia (19.1, 17.4)
Idle Imperial Azys Lla (28, 31)
Imperial Deserter The Lochs (33, 30)
Indolent Imperial Mor Dhona (11, 17)
Ironworks Hand Rhalgr's Reach (13.7, 11.3)
Isobe The Ruby Sea (21.3, 19.5)
Joellaut Coerthas Central Highlands (13, 15)
Jonas of the Three Spades Gold Saucer (4.6, 7.3)
Kaizan The Ruby Sea (22, 8)
Kikimo Kugane (8.6, 14)
Kilfufu Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (13, 8)
King Elmer III Gold Saucer (3, 7)
Kiuka Doman Enclave (5, 4)
Klynthota Mor Dhona (30, 13)
Kotokaze Kugane (10, 10)
Lamlyn Lakeland (35.4, 20.2)
Landenel South Shroud (16, 28)
Laniaitte The Sea of Clouds (17, 37)
Larisa Solution Nine (5.8, 13.9)
Lewena Gold Saucer (4, 6)
Lewto-Sue Amh Araeng (26.8, 16.3)
Linu Vali The Sea of Clouds (6, 14)
Luwyawa Shaaloani (28.8, 30.3)
Maillart Old Sharlayan ( 8.4, 15.2)
Maisenta New Gridania (11, 11)
Marcechamp The Dravanian Forelands (31, 22)
Marcette Central Shroud (15, 18)
Marielle The Sea of Clouds (17, 37)
Masatsuchi Yanxia (29.5, 20.2)
Master Mogzin The Churning Mists (15, 28)
Mehryde Radz-at-Han (10, 8)
Memeroon Upper La Noscea (14, 24)
Mero Roggo The Dravanian Hinterlands (12.8, 36.8)
Midnight Dew Idyllshire (5, 6)
Miitso Lower Jeundo (6, 6)
Mimidoa Lower La Noscea (25, 35)
Mogmill The Churning Mists (28, 35)
Momodi Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (11, 9)
Mordyn Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11, 8)
Mother Miounne New Gridania (11, 13)
Munglig The Azim Steppe (12, 33)
Nell Half-full The Battlehall
Nigen The Azim Steppe (32, 11)
Noes Old Gridania (10, 5)
Nyikweni Tuliyollal (15, 13.5)
O'kalkaya Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11, 14)
Ogodei The Azim Steppe (22, 20)
Ourdilic Coerthas Central Highlands (6, 22)
Pawkukwe Lower Jeuno (7, 7)
Piralnaut East Shroud (17, 26)
Prideful Stag The Battlehall
Prudence Mor Dhona (30.6, 12.3)
Qetanur Thavnair (19.6, 9.1)
R'ashaht Rhiki Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (13, 12)
Redard Rak'tika Greatwood (20.4, 27.2)
Redbill Storeboy Idyllshire (3.8, 4.5)
Roger Central Thanalan (19, 20)
Rowena Mor Dhona (21, 5)
Ruhtwyda of the Three Hearts Gold Saucer (3, 7)
Ruissenaud Labyrinthos (9, 27)
Saushs Koal The Tempest (31.6, 17.3)
Seika Idyllshire (6, 7)
Sezul Totoloc North Shroud (24, 23)
Sladkey Gangos (6, 7)
Swift Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (8, 8)
Tapklix The Dravanian Hinterlands (21, 18)
Tokimori Kugane (8.9, 8.7)
Trachtoum Lower La Noscea (35, 15)
Triple Triad Master Gold Saucer (4, 7)
Tsuzura The Ruby Sea (28, 16)
Uataaye Heritage Found (19.4, 9.4)
Umber Torrent The Lochs (16.4, 24.6)
Ushiogi The Ruby Sea (21.8, 7.9)
Vath Deftarm The Dravanian Forelands (23, 19)
Voracious Vath The Dravanian Forelands (23, 19)
Vorsaile Heuloix New Gridania (9, 11)
Warsowok Kozama'uka (11.5, 27.2)
Wawalago Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (8, 15)
Wopli Urqopacha (28.5, 12.9)
Worldly Imperial Garlemald (31.7, 16.9)
Wymond Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (9, 8)
Wyra "Greenhands" Lyehga The Battlehall
Yayake Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (7, 12)
Yellow Moon Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (14, 13)
Ylaire Old Gridania (7.8, 10.9)
Yusui The Ruby Sea (31.5, 37.1)
Ktisis Hyperboreia
The Aurum Vale
Haukke Manor
The Wanderer's Palace
The Stone Vigil
Cutter's Cry
Dzemael Darkhold
Amdapor Keep
Castrum Meridianum
The Praetorium
Pharos Sirius
Haukke Manor (Hard)
The Stone Vigil (Hard)
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)
Sastasha (Hard)
Amdapor Keep (Hard)
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard)
The Great Gubal Library
The Vault
The Fractal Continuum
The Dusk Vigil
Sohm Al
The Aery
Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
The Antitower
Sohr Khai
Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)
The Great Gubal Library (Hard)
Baelsar's Wall
Sohm Al (Hard)
Doma Castle
Ala Mhigo
The Drowned City of Skalla
Hells' Lid
The Fractal Continuum (Hard)
The Swallow's Compass
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)
The Burn
The Ghimlyt Dark
The Qitana Ravel
Malikah's Well
The Voidcast Dais
The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)
The Bowl of Embers (Hard)
The Navel (Hard)
The Howling Eye (Hard)
Cape Westwind
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)
The Navel (Extreme)
The Howling Eye (Extreme)
Thornmarch (Hard)
Thornmarch (Extreme)
The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane
The Whorleater (Hard)
The Whorleater (Extreme)
Battle on the Big Bridge
The Striking Tree (Hard)
The Striking Tree (Extreme)
Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)
Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)
The Dragon's Neck
Urth's Fount
Battle in the Big Keep
Thok ast Thok (Hard)
Thok ast Thok (Extreme)
The Limitless Blue (Hard)
The Limitless Blue (Extreme)
The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign
Containment Bay S1T7
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)
The Final Steps of Faith
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage
Containment Bay P1T6
Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)
Containment Bay Z1T9
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)
The Royal Menagerie
The Pool of Tribute
The Pool of Tribute (Extreme)
Emanation (Extreme)
The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain
The Jade Stoa
The Jade Stoa (Extreme)
Castrum Fluminis
The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain
Hells' Kier
Hells' Kier (Extreme)
Kugane Ohashi
The Wreath of Snakes
The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)
The Dancing Plague
The Dancing Plague (Extreme)
The Crown of the Immaculate
The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)
The Dying Gasp
The Labyrinth of the Ancients
Syrcus Tower
The World of Darkness
The Void Ark
Alexander - The Burden of the Son
The Weeping City of Mhach
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)
Dun Scaith
The Royal City of Rabanastre
The Ridorana Lighthouse
Alphascape V3.0
Alphascape V4.0
Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)
Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)
The Orbonne Monastery
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)
Holminster Switch
The Copied Factory
The Grand Cosmos
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy
Anamnesis Anyder
Cinder Drift
Cinder Drift (Extreme)
Memoria Misera (Extreme)
The Seat of Sacrifice
The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)
The Puppets' Bunker
Castrum Marinum
Castrum Marinum (Extreme)
Matoya's Relict
Eden's Promise: Eternity
Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)
The Tower at Paradigm's Breach
The Cloud Deck
The Cloud Deck (Extreme)
The Aitiascope
The Tower of Zot
The Final Day
The Tower of Babil
The Dark Inside
The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall
The Mothercrystal
Asphodelos: The First Circle
Alzadaal´s Legacy
Storm's Crown
Storm's Crown (Extreme)
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage)
The Fell Court of Troia
The Sil'dihn Subterrane
Mount Ordeals
Mount Ordeals (Extreme)
Lapis Manalis
Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call
The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria
The Aetherfont
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle
Mount Rokkon
The Abyssal Fracture
The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)
Aloalo Island
The Gilded Araya
The Interphos
Worqor Lar Dor
The Skydeep Cenote
Worqor Zormor
The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden
AAC Light-heavyweight M1
AAC Light-heavyweight M1 (Savage)
Jeuno: The First Walk
Yuweyawata Field Station
The Lunar Subterrane
Get Gold on the FATE "Special Tarasque Force", Dravanian Forelands (13, 36)
Get Gold on the FATE "Mogicide", The Churning Mists (22, 21) or "Rastaban Vibration", The Churning Mists (14, 13)
Get Gold on the FATE "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Mammoth", The Azim Steppe (31, 23)
Get Gold on the FATE "Tall Tale", The Lochs (21, 25)
FATE "Eternity", Eureka Pagos (21, 26)
FATE "Louhi On Ice", Eureka Pagos (35.7, 18.7)
FATE "Wail In The Willows", Eureka Anemos (7, 21)
FATE "Lost Epic", Eureka Pyros (36, 6)
FATE "Duty-free", Eureka Hydatos (29.1, 23)
FATE "Crystalline Provenance", Eureka Hydatos (32.7, 19.6)
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