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#317 – キーパー・オブ・ダンジョン

5 4 4 7
Rarity Card Type Sells for Values
Unknown - 300 MGP 5・4・4・7
  • 60 @ イル・メグ (16.3, 30.7) [Rank 1]

Drop rates have a color to illustrate their accuracy depending on the number of drop reports:
Red: inaccurate (less than 100 reports), Orange: somewhat accurate (100~1000 reports), Blue: accurate (more than 1000 reports)

Oblitus Daemon 20th May, 2021 @ 01:23 am

Was able to buy it at rank 2 and it was for 60 gems.

Poison Rana 14th April, 2021 @ 12:16 pm

Can confirm that at Rank 2 in Il Mheg this card is accessible. Not sure about rank 1 but that's about as easy as the five FATEs it takes to get 60 gems anyways, easy peasy.

Anonymous Player 13th April, 2021 @ 06:56 pm

Purchasable at Rank 1 from Sul Lad as mentioned by others.

Juvam 13th April, 2021 @ 12:18 pm

Go to an NPC called Sul Lad (which is a gemstone trader) in (Il Mehg X: 16.3 Y: 30,8 Z:0.4) and exchange 60 gemstones to get this card. you need to do fates to get gemstones.

brakapart 13th April, 2021 @ 11:43 am

It costs 60 bicolor gemstones from Sul Lad, (16.3, 30.7) in Ill Mheg. Was already sworn with pixies, so unsure if that is necessary or if you need to be lv.3 in Ill Mheg FATEs as that is what I am.
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