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#244 – プロメテウス

6 5 8 3
Rarity Card Type Sells for Values
Unknown 500 MGP 6・5・8・3
  • 境界戦線 ギムリトダーク — ?%

Drop rates have a color to illustrate their accuracy depending on the number of drop reports:
Red: inaccurate (less than 100 reports), Orange: somewhat accurate (100~1000 reports), Blue: accurate (more than 1000 reports)

Anonymous Player 21st July, 2024 @ 09:34 am

I got lucky; 1 synced run = card.

Anonymous Player 20th July, 2024 @ 04:22 pm

im so fucking mad rn

Anonymous Player 20th July, 2024 @ 03:11 am

1 unsync run - 1 card.

Khaja Mol 17th July, 2024 @ 12:06 am

literally one of the last few dungeon cards i need for the mount, please o halone let this drop

Anonymous Player 30th June, 2024 @ 12:18 am

This Card is cursed to never drop

Anonymous Player 21st June, 2024 @ 04:02 pm

Around 60-70 runs, still nothing.

Anonymous Player 19th June, 2024 @ 03:51 am

Update: The card DOES exist. Just took 4 nights and around 30-40 runs.

Anonymous Player 18th June, 2024 @ 04:38 am

Card doesn't exist. Around 4-6 hours (10-12 min) of unsync so far. Can barely level desynthesis anymore.

Anonymous Player 3rd June, 2024 @ 04:08 pm

This card is a myth

Anonymous Player 2nd June, 2024 @ 01:06 pm

Am I a joke to you?

Anonymous Player 2nd June, 2024 @ 11:36 am

I used to like this dungeon...

Anonymous Player 16th May, 2024 @ 05:37 pm

its been more the 40 runs now and still nothing please end my suffering

Anonymous Player 16th May, 2024 @ 03:59 pm

this card deserve to be deleted

Anonymous Player 16th May, 2024 @ 03:32 pm

complaining right before the last boss for more luck

Astrid Yorisou 20th April, 2024 @ 08:59 pm

I came here to complain cuz I probably did a total of 20 or more runs, sync and unsync combined

RazTheGod 18th April, 2024 @ 09:39 pm

If you see this simone I still love you <3 but yes i need this card typeing for drop look

Anonymous Player 14th March, 2024 @ 11:00 am

Came here just to say.. I got it on the first unsynced run solo :D

Anonymous Player 10th February, 2024 @ 03:00 am

complaining for luck

Anonymous Player 9th February, 2024 @ 12:10 am

10 runs so far, please complaining; save me.

Anonymous Player 29th January, 2024 @ 01:41 am

also complaining gotta be at like 20 runs

Anonymous Player 4th January, 2024 @ 12:48 am

trying this complaining thing. rng has not been on my side. 20 or 30 runs now

Mixa Mi 16th December, 2023 @ 11:01 am

6 runs synced, 2 runs unsynced : 1 card

Anonymous Player 28th October, 2023 @ 08:57 am

Completions: 4 unsynced, 12 synced Cards: 1

Anonymous Player 20th October, 2023 @ 03:46 am


Pikman 1st October, 2023 @ 11:17 am

I loathe this card

Anonymous Player 17th September, 2023 @ 10:30 pm

the scream i scrumpt when i got it in one unsynced run

Anonymous Player 6th September, 2023 @ 10:15 pm

6 unsynced

Anonymous Player 16th August, 2023 @ 12:55 am

convinced this card doesnt exist omg

Anonymous Player 1st August, 2023 @ 04:55 am

dropped after my first unsynced run... I got lucky after 40+ The Swallow's Compass runs. balance is restored.

Anonymous Player 15th July, 2023 @ 02:37 pm

complaining.... this dungeon is sucking my soul

aaadia 9th July, 2023 @ 08:42 pm

2 runs unsynced got the card

AnnJu 25th April, 2023 @ 12:42 am

I buy it at the mog event (memoquartz)

TitanTantrum 27th March, 2023 @ 07:06 am

10 Runs 1 Card

Ako Kuunavhang 26th March, 2023 @ 08:11 pm

5 sync runs for 1 card

Spudo 13th March, 2023 @ 05:09 am

3 Runs and card dropped

Anonymous Player 5th March, 2023 @ 08:08 am


Anonymous Player 9th February, 2023 @ 05:12 am

Took 2 runs, drops from last boss

Anonymous Player 9th February, 2023 @ 05:12 am

Took 2 runs, drops from last boss

Anonymous Player 5th February, 2023 @ 03:48 pm

Got it on my first run

Strawberry V. 26th January, 2023 @ 08:32 am

Literally got the card in my very first run

Anonymous Player 18th January, 2023 @ 06:33 pm

5 runs

Snowflake 9th January, 2023 @ 01:32 am

32 attempts => 5 Promeheus cards

Anonymous Player 28th December, 2022 @ 04:37 am


Anonymous Player 11th December, 2022 @ 04:37 pm

Lodging a complaint, as this card apparently does not exist

Zhaul Zhuji (Omega) 25th October, 2022 @ 03:13 pm

Only 2 run

odd 16th September, 2022 @ 11:22 am

Did about 9 unsynced runs before getting this card.

mona 11th August, 2022 @ 07:47 am

got it 19th run ;_; my waifu got it 4 times during that period :)

Anonymous Player 24th July, 2022 @ 08:32 am

around 20 runs to get a card

Anonymous Player 1st April, 2022 @ 01:36 pm

67 runs - 1 card (was glam farming, didnt get the glam item i wanted have since given up on that)

Anonymous Player 28th February, 2022 @ 04:09 pm

bullshit card

nekosphere 10th February, 2022 @ 09:20 pm

29 runs

Anonymous Player 23rd January, 2022 @ 05:24 am

One and done.

Anonymous Player 17th January, 2022 @ 08:01 am

got this in two unsynced runs, one as PLD one as DNC both at ilvl565. both clears were ~15min or so.

Anonymous Player 20th November, 2021 @ 03:57 pm

4 runs lol.... yet 30+ runs later of Swallow's Compass, no card...

H4kur3i 18th November, 2021 @ 10:49 pm

10 runs

Anonymous Player 17th November, 2021 @ 01:27 pm

drop the run after my previous comment... "somewhere around 50 runs over 2 years, no drop so far"

Anonymous Player 17th November, 2021 @ 01:22 pm

somewhere around 50 runs over 2 years, no drop so far

Piestar 2nd November, 2021 @ 10:56 pm

I hate this card. At 50+ runs and still nothing...gonna take a break :')

eloise shin 18th October, 2021 @ 08:58 am

over 65 runs get it. such a....trash.

Makil 8th October, 2021 @ 01:41 pm

6 Kills: 1 Prometheus

Anonymous Player 4th September, 2021 @ 01:35 pm

currently at run 31 - still no card (done around 10 unsync and 21 sync) - hating my life at its best *smile*

Anonymous Player 21st August, 2021 @ 01:52 am

11 runs, unsynced. Same party for the 11 runs, 1 person got it 7 times, another 2 times

Anonymous Player 12th August, 2021 @ 07:08 am

3 unsynced runs. super lucky

Anonymous Player 31st May, 2021 @ 12:06 am

Ran it five or six times by queueing up like normal, no luck. ran it unsynced solo as a level 80, dropped first run. From last boss.

Anonymous Player 30th May, 2021 @ 11:54 am

4 synced runs. Guess I got lucky

Anonymous Player 28th May, 2021 @ 08:58 pm

I wish there was an alternative to the dungeon run ... well over 100 run and still no card drop

Anonymous Player 24th May, 2021 @ 12:37 am

over 60 runs and no card. Officially hate this dungeon.

Karyk 21st May, 2021 @ 09:01 am

~15 runs of this. Quite quick to find a party still.

Furious Rajang 28th March, 2021 @ 09:47 pm

22 runs of Ghimlyt. This one was annoying.

Vae 12th November, 2020 @ 08:01 pm

Got it on my 6th run

Anonymous Player 1st August, 2020 @ 06:44 pm

Seven runs in and no drop yet!!

Anonymous Player 28th June, 2020 @ 10:45 pm

Got it on my 6th clear at final boss.

jasonnch 21st June, 2019 @ 10:15 pm

Got it on my 40th clear of the Ghimlyt Dark. Very Crazy.....

Thea Isle 5th February, 2019 @ 07:43 am

Of all the cards on this latest patch, I'm still working in this one. :/

Yes 20th January, 2019 @ 08:11 am

Drops from the 3rd boss of The Ghimlyt Dark, despite being the card of the 2nd boss.

Myriads 14th January, 2019 @ 03:33 am

Got it on my 4th clear of The Ghimlyt Dark.
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