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#249 – ギルガメッシュ(紅蓮)

9 4 8 4
Rarity Card Type Sells for Values
Rare - 800 MGP 9・4・8・4
  • 真ヨウジンボウ討滅戦 — 5.88%

Drop rates have a color to illustrate their accuracy depending on the number of drop reports:
Red: inaccurate (less than 100 reports), Orange: somewhat accurate (100~1000 reports), Blue: accurate (more than 1000 reports)

Anonymous Player 21st July, 2024 @ 09:33 am

Complaining Buff! Please.

Anonymous Player 1st June, 2024 @ 10:01 pm

game... plz....

Anonymous Player 1st February, 2024 @ 08:35 am

currently available from tomestone event

Khaja Mol 26th January, 2024 @ 10:26 pm


Zimzimtea 21st January, 2024 @ 02:10 am

Oh my. My first run was during Manderville content a while ago. Tonight? Tonight was my first try since (so, my second time doing the trial). I watched a GREAT guide from GhostGuide and *blamo* GOT THE SWIVING CARD! /gasp Onward!

Mixa Mi 16th December, 2023 @ 01:16 pm

5-10 sync run 0 card ; 2 unsync run 2 card

Wesker 27th November, 2023 @ 03:04 am

1 unsync run, 1 card

Anonymous Player 20th October, 2023 @ 03:55 am

Omg he gave me his stupid card

Anonymous Player 20th October, 2023 @ 03:47 am

Give me your stupid card

Anonymous Player 3rd September, 2023 @ 05:30 am

14 unsynced

Swyrzeh Klynstralkoen 1st August, 2023 @ 04:40 pm

12 unsynced runs, 1 card.

Kexah 16th July, 2023 @ 02:38 am

6 unsynced runs. I don't recommend it for farming because it takes 10 minutes, but it IS possible to solo him with 0% echo on ast if you can't find anyone to run it with you.

Feba 15th July, 2023 @ 01:16 am

2 synced runs, got the card on the second run

aaadia 13th July, 2023 @ 02:55 pm

on normal*

aaadia 13th July, 2023 @ 02:52 pm

7 runs got the card

Genjiro 27th May, 2023 @ 11:11 pm

Man fuck this thing. I'm on kill like 40 and still no card.

Roche 14th April, 2023 @ 02:30 am

9 runs = 1 card

crandaniel 25th March, 2023 @ 06:32 pm

got 1 in 28 unsync runs

AnnJu 15th March, 2023 @ 12:37 am

2 normal runs = 1 card :)

Snowflake 28th January, 2023 @ 08:23 pm

2 cards in 9 attempts

Anonymous Player 30th December, 2022 @ 11:48 pm

Moogle tomestone time. Getting tomestone. No card. Wish you all luck. :')

achoo 8th November, 2022 @ 01:47 am


Anonymous Player 8th October, 2022 @ 11:01 pm

12 runs sync'd

Anonymous Player 7th October, 2022 @ 01:20 am

1st run, synced trial unlock

Anonymous Player 7th October, 2022 @ 01:20 am

1st run, unsynced trial unlock

Anonymous Player 28th September, 2022 @ 03:23 pm

27 runs and no card, this is cursed please send help

Anonymous Player 23rd September, 2022 @ 09:17 pm

3 Runs

Azellia 19th September, 2022 @ 01:23 pm

24 runs

Love Cervere 19th September, 2022 @ 11:52 am

29 runs. One friend got 4, one got 5, me 1

Anonymous Player 5th August, 2022 @ 11:50 am

Dropped on the 2nd run. Two lvl90 RDMs for ez quick clears. This is my karma payback for 40 runs of stupid Susano for 0 cards lol

IrenaRunja 24th July, 2022 @ 04:19 pm

2 drops in about 5 runs, 0 drops in following 20 runs

Anonymous Player 30th June, 2022 @ 04:12 pm

3w for 1

Anonymous Player 6th May, 2022 @ 05:42 am

15 runs (split between 2 days), 1 card :')

Cycle 5th April, 2022 @ 04:39 am

about 20 runs 1 card. It takes me two weeks.

Anonymous Player 25th March, 2022 @ 10:30 am

5 runs, card dropped on pull 3, 4, and 5

Drack wayland 10th March, 2022 @ 03:40 pm

3 runs 1 card

Talan Kirk 17th February, 2022 @ 07:01 pm

14 runs 1 card You have to complete almost the entire Hildebrand quest line to unlock the dungeon first.

GrizzlyBearcroft 31st January, 2022 @ 01:42 am

1 run 1 card

Anonymous Player 19th January, 2022 @ 02:58 pm

11 kills no drop

H4kur3i 22nd November, 2021 @ 06:15 pm

15 runs

kittysenpai 16th October, 2021 @ 11:06 am

1 run 1 card

Anonymous Player 29th August, 2021 @ 04:37 am

7 runs

uberchargecovu 27th August, 2021 @ 07:43 am

about 8 runs

Anonymous Player 11th August, 2021 @ 09:07 am

First run ezpz

Thorrbo 6th August, 2021 @ 04:02 pm

First run.

Zil 24th July, 2021 @ 07:54 am

4 runs 1 card.

Anonymous Player 21st July, 2021 @ 12:52 am

137 runs... still no card...

Anonymous Player 16th July, 2021 @ 09:25 am

5 runs

Rayne Deschain 11th July, 2021 @ 01:37 am

2 runs. 1 card

tecknit 3rd July, 2021 @ 04:03 am

7th run to get it

Anonymous Player 6th June, 2021 @ 04:27 am

2 runs

Karyk 21st May, 2021 @ 11:42 am

Got this today, very luckily after 3 runs.

Anonymous Player 10th May, 2021 @ 11:36 pm

8 runs to get it.

Total Scrubbery 10th March, 2021 @ 05:57 pm

3 Kills and I got it

Anonymous Player 6th March, 2021 @ 08:26 pm

Took me 15 kills to get it.

Varea 10th December, 2020 @ 04:45 pm

Got in on 7th clear. A small tip is to queue around reset time, many people do the trial roulette.

Dodo 21st November, 2020 @ 07:06 pm

This is a nasty one. Low drop rate from a trial that is locked behind an extremely long side-quest chain. Duty finder seems hopeless, best bet is to use party finder.

Anonymous Player 25th April, 2020 @ 03:07 am

Drop rate on this card is fucking horrible, going on 50-60 runs now, I've lost count at this point. Fuck whoever at Square assigned this drop rate

Anonymous Player 30th March, 2019 @ 12:27 pm

Got the card like on the 3rd run but that was the only one I got within about 15 runs while farming the barding.

Valarian 27th March, 2019 @ 02:40 pm

I am easily on my 20th kill, and still no card.

Anonymous Player 27th March, 2019 @ 10:03 am

Got it on my 3rd clear

Myriads 27th March, 2019 @ 03:16 am

I can confirm that the card drops from the Kugane Shashi Trial. It took me 12 runs to see the drop.

Atome 26th March, 2019 @ 11:08 am

Drop on "Kugane Ohashi"
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