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Privacy Policy

This website uses cookies and/or the local storage to save data on your device. If you registered an account, it also saves information in the database.

Cookies and local storage usage:
- saves your language preference (English by default): this allows the website to display the proper translations
- saves your cards list preference: displays either the Collector's List, Classic List or Compact List on the cards page
- cards collection is stored locally on your device: this data is used on various pages of the website
- beaten NPCs are stored locally as well
- if you are logged in, a cookie will keep you logged in if you checked the "Remember me" checkbox

Database information (this only applies if you create an account on the website):
- language preference
- user name: either chosen when creating an account with an email, or this will be your Facebook/Twitter/Google user name. You can change it via this page. Your user name will be displayed when you post a comment while being logged in
- email
- last login date
- if you registered through a social network, your ID and access token are saved (necessary for the social network to be able to recognize you)
- if you create and link a character from the Lodestone (necessary for the cards collection), your character name, server and Lodestone ID are saved

When creating an account with Facebook, Google or Twitter, the corresponding ARR: Triple Triad app will ask permission to get the following data:
- Your user name on this social network. This is displayed when you post a comment on a card page or NPC page while being logged in, and also on your profile that people can have access to if they know the URL (for example, Your profile can be made private, and your user name can be changed on your profile page.
- The email associated with this social network. This is saved in the database and is not displayed publicly on the website.
- Your ID and Access Token from this social network. These are saved in the database and are used to log you in.

Tierce party plugin:
- this website uses Google Analytics that gives anonymous data on how many people use ARRTT and which pages are the most popular

All cookie/local storage/database data is mandatory to use the website properly.
I will never sell/give away any of your personal data and will do my best to protect it against loss, theft, unauthorized access, copy, usage or modification.

You have a right to modify or remove your personal data saved in our database. Please contact me by email at "realm (dot) reblog [at] gmail (dot) com" or on Discord by private message at "Raido (hash) 8627" with your user name and specify your request.

Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies um eine bessere Leistung zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Durch die Nutzung unserer Webseite willigst du unseren Datenschutzbestimmungn, Cookies und unserer Tracking-Technologie ein. Nähere Informationen befinden sich auf Datenschutzbestimmungen.
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