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#376 – Rubicante

7 8 6 7
Der Elementarfürst des Feuers und einer der vier Handlanger von Golbez. Dieser Krieger war durch nichts einzuschüchtern und kommandierte höllische Flammen, geboren aus seinem eigenen Leid.
Seltenheit Typen Verkäuft sich für Werte
Unbekannt - 800 MGP 7・8・6・7
  • Prophetie - Rubicante — ?%
  • Eschatos - Rubicante — ?%

Fundwahrscheinlichkeiten haben verschiedene Farben je nach Richtigkeit, welche auf Fundrückmeldungen basieren:
Rot: unsicher (unter 100 Rückmeldungen), Orange: einigermaßen sicher (100~1000 Rückmeldungen), Blau: sicher (über 1000 Rückmeldungen)

Eldin 9th June, 2024 @ 07:06 pm

got it on 5th Ex clear

Anonymous Player 27th May, 2024 @ 01:08 am

39 normal runs, 1 card

Spudo 31st March, 2024 @ 10:20 am

4 normal runs = 1 card

AuGold 3rd December, 2023 @ 06:57 pm

10 normal runs, 1 card.

Anonymous Player 4th November, 2023 @ 11:26 pm

Completions: 16 Normal — Card Drops: 1

Auronah Vaerus 12th October, 2023 @ 10:57 pm

About 15 runs normal to get it

Anonymous Player 12th September, 2023 @ 06:27 pm

7 normal runs I think, got it now

Melon-chan 12th September, 2023 @ 12:40 am

I've done extreme 55 times and have not gotten the card

Anonymous Player 10th July, 2023 @ 06:19 am

fuck this card

Anonymous Player 6th July, 2023 @ 12:29 am


Anonymous Player 5th July, 2023 @ 05:56 pm

12 normal runs

james mc daid 24th May, 2023 @ 06:15 pm

Got it at 37 normal runs

james mc daid 20th May, 2023 @ 09:34 pm

Am at 25 runs.(normal) no card this is my last for a full set

Anonymous Player 6th April, 2023 @ 10:00 pm

I'm the anon from earlier with the 43 runs and nothing. got it on run 49. If we assume a 5% drop rate, that's about an 8% chance of occurring, within the realm of possibility. If we assume a higher drop rate like with other trials/dungeons of around 15%, that number becomes <0.1%, which means that the drop rate almost certainly isn't that high. So yeah, probably 5%

Anonymous Player 6th April, 2023 @ 03:04 am

43 runs in with normal mode. Still haven't seen it. I know this is likely uncommon luck, judging by everyone's posts here I'm guessing it's about a 5% drop rate.

Hana 25th March, 2023 @ 02:47 am

10 times no drop. Complaining to improve my odds ;)

nekosphere 24th March, 2023 @ 02:05 pm

took me 37 normals runs....

Moos Wolf (Shiva) 13th March, 2023 @ 12:48 pm

4 runs for the card

Franval 6th March, 2023 @ 02:33 pm

Took 10 more runs or so but complaining worked!

Franval 6th March, 2023 @ 01:39 am

Drop rate seems low... complaint to see if it changes something

Terqoiz 14th February, 2023 @ 06:40 pm

10 runs of normal and 25 runs of ex for 1 card

Anonymous Player 1st February, 2023 @ 11:53 pm

5-6 runs of Normal and 32 runs of EX for 1 card

altaria1999 28th January, 2023 @ 09:43 pm

8 or so normal runs, 1 card

StarmanJSP 28th January, 2023 @ 12:56 am

Got it on my 15th run.

Anonymous Player 25th January, 2023 @ 06:32 pm

12 normal runs, 1 card

Kexah 20th January, 2023 @ 04:01 am

First normal run

Altari 20th January, 2023 @ 03:50 am

Card after four runs on normal, no Ex.

Anonymous Player 18th January, 2023 @ 07:32 pm

over 20 normal + extreme runs so far and no card yet. This one's been a bitch to get so far.

Zimzimtea 18th January, 2023 @ 04:40 pm

First time running the trial. OMG that was fun!!! And Nymeia smiled down upon me and gave me a very beautiful flaming card. ONWARD!

Anonymous Player 17th January, 2023 @ 02:26 am

50 Extreme Runs = 4 cards

Lucy Branford 16th January, 2023 @ 02:19 am

6 normal runs+39 runs from extreme: First card. 50 runs since I might as well token the mount at this point: 3 cards total.

Anonymous Player 15th January, 2023 @ 01:35 pm

16 runs from ex

Galahad 15th January, 2023 @ 06:11 am

1 Normal Run=1 card / 50 Extreme runs=6 cards and 3 mounts

Anonymous Player 14th January, 2023 @ 05:07 am

Got the card from EX after 11 runs.

Anonymous Player 13th January, 2023 @ 07:26 pm

2nd run from normal trial

Anonymous Player 13th January, 2023 @ 06:26 pm

has someone gotten this from the EX? or all exclusive to the normal one

MightyGodzilla 13th January, 2023 @ 04:27 pm

3 runs and i got it :)

Neshri 12th January, 2023 @ 04:51 pm

32 Run's and there it is ...

Anonymous Player 12th January, 2023 @ 07:35 am

Two trys on normal for me to get it

Genboredom 11th January, 2023 @ 02:49 pm

Got it on the first try.

Anonymous Player 10th January, 2023 @ 10:34 pm

Friend got this first go on new trial.
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